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Amber Nelson

Teacher | Massage Therapist

Hi, I’m Amber. I’m an alignment nerd, a hiker, yogi, a sweet friend and sister and a foodie.  One of the things I enjoy more than my job is being on a trail in the woods which is where I find my peace.   I began my holistic health journey 15 years ago when I decided to seek aid in the relief of sciatic pain. After only one session of Restorative Exercise™ (RE) with Katy Bowman, my sciatic pain was noticeably better and after a few weeks of practicing specific exercises it was a faint memory.  RE changed not only my body, mind and spirit but my whole life’s path.


Shortly after that first session I decided to study massage, certified in RE and made bodywork my career. For the past 15 years I’ve filled my wellness toolbox with alignment, anatomy, myo-facsial release, Thai yoga, AromaTouch™, massage therapy ball techniques, meditation, and breathwork.  RE is my heart string and I love leading others through their alignment journey and teaching them the ABC’s of movement and massage nurtures my nature.


Every body has the ability to heal, I am just here to help facilitate that for you.  I’m happy to be on this path and excited to see where it leads. 

Amber Nelson
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